I can’t believe six months have already gone by, in 2019. Where did time go, I wonder. It sure wasn’t an eventful year uptil now and I didn’t do any justice to my Word of the Year.

If I have to rewind and review the last half-year, I would probably say it didn’t have any mushy or heartwarming moments. The husband was out on duty most of the days, I didn’t reach anywhere with my weight loss plan, and blogging has taken a step back. The only time I was over the moon was when I tried my hands on the A to Z Challenge for the seventh consecutive year, and that too on both my blogs.
I was home in Kerala, helping with Dad’s retirement, moving homes and helping mom set up our lovely cocoon. I had a great time with them for over two months, celebrating his retirement and his 60th birthday. It felt amazing to gift something to Dad from my earnings.
While I wrote all about books here on this blog, I had written about 26 Kerala delicacies on my food blog. More than me, I found my parents super-excited to finish the challenge with a bang. The days of the week were synonymous to the letters of the alphabet and there were days when Mom and Dad had already cooked the dish before I even woke up. That is, all I had to do was click photographs and write the posts. From Jackfruit to Clams to Duck to Tapioca, we had covered them all.
| Find my Food Blog Something’s Cooking
While I had a jolly good time with Dad’s two furballs – Simba and Nemo, I missed Muffy like crazy. I realized my heart belonged to this furball with four paws – my best friend who has seen me laugh, dance like crazy to the latest Bollywood tunes, and cry like a baby when things go wrong. He is my comforter who doesn’t judge me and is always there for me. When I got back to him, he squealed with joy. Husband and I made sure that we took him for an adventure trek earlier this month. Seeing Muffy in his element warmed my heart. Ah, what would I have done without him!
We also celebrated his first birthday earlier this year! We had two giveaways on Instagram – one for his paw-friends gifting bowties, bandanas and treats and the other for his bibliophile friends gifting brand new copies of Becoming and Game of Thrones. We received so much love through beautiful birthday wishes and we even got gifts for Muffy. Things social media can do!
These six months also saw me watching a ridiculous amount of Netflix and Amazon Prime. From Delhi Crime to Made in Heaven, to Sherlock to the Good Wife, I think I had my me-time! The husband and I were heartbroken by how Game of Thrones Finale season had turned out and I don’t think even after a month, we have recovered from that disaster.
I also read some good books which helped me recharge my batteries. As you know, I am participating in a couple of Reading Challenges including the Write Tribe Reading Challenge. Though I haven’t really updated my progress explicitly through a post, I am keeping track of them all on this page. I shall soon do some book reviews.
Travel hasn’t been on the cards really. But husband and I could squeeze in whatever we could with how much ever time he could spare from his busy schedule. Like, we went to Dehradun for a night. Can you imagine? Traveling all the way downhill for 8 hours, catching an overnight train, be in Dehradun for a day and then come back? Well, it is the journey that matters, I guess.
As you can see, there isn’t much to boast about, other than being thankful for all the little everyday things that brought a smile on my face, helped me drag myself out of bed every morning and move on. Maybe, that’s what life is all about.
How was your half year 2019? Let me know in the comment section.
Thank you Geethica for this tag and I’m passing the baton to Anamika.
This is part of the Zombie BlogHop which started with a Whatsapp conversation as to how to revive our Zombie blogs! 24 bloggers have got together to talk about their six months of 2019 – Jan to June. Read them all and show some love.
Busy busy busy . And your Muffy is exceedingly handsome ! How your parents must have loved having you around to help them move …. hope the next six months are equally fulfilling.
The first half of the year has been busy for you, Shalini! You truly aced the AtoZ Challenge. Doing it with 2 blogs is awe-inspiring!
Muffy has grown into such a handsome boy. He was such a cutie as a baby too! Good that your reading is going great guns. Looking forward to your recommendations. Here’s wishing that the next half of 2019 is enriching and interesting for you! Cheers!
Wow, that’s great Shalini. 2 blogs on a2z? Congrats. I know how good it is when you need not bother about cooking, spend time with family and blog your heart out.
You did a lot in last six months. Belated happy birthday to Muffy. How about your Youtube channel? I dont see you posting there often.
Your first six months were not without action. In fact, there was lots packed in it. I seriously loved how your parents were trooping along with you on your A to Z posts on the cooking blog. Your Muffy lightens up D’s day everytime there is a new photo of him. D is forcing us to adopt a pet dog when we get back to India and he insists on viewing dog photos and videos.
Wish you loads of goodness in the rest half of the year.
Anamika Agnihotri recently posted…When the calling comes… #ZombieBlogHop
The 6 months that have passed by for you have been loaded with two good thins—- books and travel. And these sure are important elements to live a sane life :))) Ofcourse the lovely Muffy in your life too. Hope you have another exciting 6 months this year.
Participating in A to z and for two blogs and you say, there is nothing much to boast about. Wow!! It felt so good to read that your parents would keep the dish prepared before you woke up. It feels so good to be appreciated and supported by parents for your passion.
Aesha Shah recently posted…2019- How it’s shaping up!
I think you’ve done a lot, despite some setbacks, Shalini. Sorry April was crazy and I didn’t catch your posts. So sweet of your parents to pitch in. Next time, I’m in Kerala, I’ll drop by and meet them and sample some of that lovely food!
Muffy, like our two, is a life saver! What would we be without our dogs? ♥
The part about your mom and dad being super excited about your A to Z Challenge was so cute! Parents are like that, isn’t it? So excited for anything we do! 🙂
It sure was a lovely time reading so many of your posts, and the image you have shared here made me drool!
Loads of love to Muffy…what a handsome boy he is! And look at the confidence in his eyes as he stands there taking in the view! Looks like The Lion King, admiring his kingdom 🙂
Much love to him…do give him a tight hug from me, Shalini!
Thanks for sharing so much about him! ❤
You have done so much! A to z on two blogs? When I tried it a couple of years ago, I could not even do it on one blog! And books and netflix and travel and family! It’s sure been a packed six months!
It sounds better than mine. Loved all the kerala recipes. It is my go to place for any recipes. I can imagine you doing the challenge with your parents. It sounds so exciting. Lucky you.
Uff! You’re too hard on yourself! It sounds like a lovely six months. Planning your dad’s retirement party and helping your parents set up their cocoon are big achievements. Seven years of A to Z on 2 blogs – seriously, take a bow! And how sweet of your parents to have the dishes all ready for you!! AND how did I miss Muffy’s birthday?? Happy (belated) birthday to the sweetheart. (Also, I hate that Insta algorithm! It rarely shows me what I really want to see!)
Modern Gypsy recently posted…Depth year update
It’s so obvious that your parents loved to have you around. Have a great time with your loved ones the rest of the year too! The recipes your shared in the AtoZ articles sound delicious. I’m going to try some of them.
As you said, “its all about journey”; I could say that in the journey of last 6months you had enjoyed and collected a lot of memories to cherish. A treasure trove in itself. Little drops of water, little drops of sand, make the great big ocean and the lovely land; isnt that true for life too?
Wishing you a peaceful progressive year ahead.
You post Shalini is about life, warmth of home and the joy of being around parents. I would say those were good six months of life. I hope you are doing well. It’s been long that I visited you but when I am here, I feel very good. Wishing you joyous times ahead. Shalini!
Hugs. Love to Muffy 🙂
When did Muffy grow up so much?
Good to see that you had such a busy six months. Don’t worry on the weight issue. Give it time and figure out what is really getting in the way. I love your recipes, even though I don’t cook non veg. The finished product looks so yummy. 😋
Oh my dear, Muffy looks all grown up! He is so handsome, Shalini. I love dogs but I am so scared of them. They jump on me, lick my toes and I run for my life. My husband says it is bad manners. I am trying to tame myself, though, I must tell you I react the same way when my kids or husband surprises me with a touch. 🙂
You had a good time, dear. I know sometimes we feel that we haven’t been doing a lot, but after reading this post I feel that you did quite a few things. Binging on Netflix is my poison. Now I am trying to watch as a reward, after completing at least one task. 🙂
Wishing you a fabulous rest of the year. 🙂
Vinitha recently posted…Six months into 2019…
First up – that you for explaining the bit about ‘Zombie’. I’ve been reading this tag and I wondered what it meant :-). I loved your post – it was so newsy. I felt like I was catching up with a friend after a long time. Muffy looks the cutest. It’s strange how we get used to people/pets. Sometimes I wonder what I did before I had the kids, they take up your mental space so completely. I love your parents’ enthusiasm for your challenge. That was so cute – the idea of them prepping everything for you.
I realised I don’t drop by here too often. That shall be rectified, right away.
Obsessivemom recently posted…On Loving Your Children #BookBytes 10
Muffy looks too adorable for words Shalini – a big big huggy to him!!!
I had been wondering why you have been so AWOL – havent seen your blog around in these past months. Actually its been the same with me too – been off and on with my writing. I guess we need to take it easy and just go with the flow at times.
I skipped Ato Z too this year as I was not feeling upto the challenge though I had my theme ready. Kudos for what you achieved on yours though – 7th year running and that too, two blogs!! *bows down*
Wish you a fabulous year ahead and hope to see more of your posts. Take care gurl!!!
P.S. – This was an excellent blog hop to do – loving the posts!!!
Not a bad half-year Shalu! I think the biggest achievement was the AToZ on both blogs…mind-blowing! You are blessed to have Muffy’s total devotion and unselfish love! Where did the last 6 months of 2019 go for me? Umm, lots of couch-potatoeing! Amazon Prime must award me with something, I feel! I’ve watched endless movies shows, seasons after seasons! I really need to get unhooked and come back to real world…sigh!
You have done plenty of fruitful things and you say it was dull. Not at all!! Staying at mom’s place is the best thing when the husband is at work. A family participating in the challenge is so much fun. Best of luck for future
You seem to have had quite a lot going in those six months, Shalini! I think doing the #atoz with two blogs was quite an achievement in itself and you must pat yourself on the back for it over and above the other amazing things you managed to enjoy—books and travel being two important ones! Good luck with the next six months, Shalini! 🙂
It’s a feeling beyond words to gift our parents from out earnings. Looks like a wholesome fun-filled half year journey.