Some recent happenings made me feel insecure. I wasn’t sure what I was doing with my life and it was easy for me to put the blame on others. But the funny thing is, these insecurities are loud. They tend to increase in number the more you think of it. And they also seem to have good clarity- if you know what I mean.
I used to struggle with that sinking feeling. But at the end of the day, I realized that you’re the only one who can pull it together and give yourself a reason to feel worthy.
Today you’ll choose yourself. You’ll be your champion. Be all in.
One of my favorite quotes is from Eudora Welty. I would let you read it.
I am a writer who came of a sheltered life.
A sheltered life can be a daring life as well.
For all serious daring starts from within.
Now, let that soak in a little bit.
I have always lived a sheltered life. But with that comes the insecurities and fear of taking a new step.
When you first start out to do something new, to try something big — either right before or right after you take that first small but significant step — you will be challenged. The key here is to believe in yourself and never give up.
Today, I want to take that chance. I want to dare and allow my courageous voice to take over. I want to risk something and discover those unchartered territories and let my voice be the guide. I want to let go of all the thoughts in my head and the heaviness in my heart.
So today, I’m choosing myself. Today, I’m putting myself first.
At the beginning of this year, I decided to let go of my inhibitions and cherish each and every moment in life. I swore to live in the moment and be mindful of the things I do. I believe, it is time to reaffirm those thoughts and live with intention and purpose. I’m going to shake things a little bit.
This post was written in response to the Quote Prompt.
Friday Reflections is a link up hosted by Corinne at Everyday Gyaan and yours truly. We invite you to join us every Friday to share a good cup of tea and your reflections based on the prompts we provide.

Here’s how #FridayReflections works:
- Write a post using one of the prompts for the week provided below.
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Prompts for 25 May 2018 – choose any one:
- The most difficult letter to write.
- A sheltered life can be a daring life as well. For all serious daring starts from within. – Eudora Welty
- Picture prompt (image courtesy: Corinne Rodrigues)
The insecurity and discomfort are bound to happen once we want to explore beyond the nest. I am right now in front of a big challenge and hope this post can pump me into action. Very well reflected, Shalinee 🙂
Have a good day!
Insecurities plague one and all. It is like this necessary keeda in our lives. We require it so that we learn never to give up, but to get up and fight it. Ah and after all this gyan I give you, I am the often who often succumbs to insecurities. Have lived a secured life too, all my life, and still am in one. Yet I need to get up and constantly keep pushing myself to achieve something— yes i call it something, cause the secured life, has not helped me frame a goal!!
Sometimes, discomfort is life’s way of telling you that you really need to do that something. I’ve learned that the discomfort, if ignored, rarely leads me wrong. I’m not doing enough living in the moment and have to get back to that.
I agree. For me discomfort is the signal that I need to change things both within myself and my surroundings. It’s always an invitation for me to introspect. Hugs, Shalini.
The first step is always the hardest to take but go on and take that risk because fortune favours the bold!