The news is all around the media- Sensational and Startling! The GRAPHICAL detailing of RAPE by the accused! BBC AIRING THE NEWS!! BAN BY THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT!! COMMENTS BY EXPERTS!! Debates and Declarations! JUSTIFICATIONS and COVERING UP! The news is over-powering than the Tsunami or any other tragedies the world had been to.. Apparently, a person like me who is never glued to the news channel was also trying to understand and take in the vibe of the nation on the sensational Daughter of India.
It has become a common news these days that a girl/a woman has been raped at so and so place, by so and so number of men! As we know by now, the statistics reveal that a rape happens every 20 mins in India. The irony and the hard to believe fact is when the sufferer is a baby girl aged between 3 to 12 yrs of age. Are we developing as a nation financially with values and traditions or are we losing it all?
Dear concerned (as I am also one), please open your eyes and at least try to find out the reasons for the same, rather than giving an hour long lecture on your feelings and national shame. Please, wake up to the problem rather than facing the music of media and lime light. WHAT IS THE ROOT CAUSE?
Poverty, Culture as we say it, Grooming, Education (surprisingly being offered to all), they all look farce. We don’t need leaders to preach things, we don’t want leaders to make us believe that things are in place and responsible people will be taken to task.
Really?? Do you think so? It’s time TO ACT.
Act on……………
Giving justice to the rape victims. ACT to be able to take quick judgement which are time-bound, not only to Nirbhaya but also to all those girls and women who still long for justice. You know that ‘he’ has committed rape, you have all the evidence in hand. Then why delay hanging him to death? Please don’t shove it down our throats saying India has a culture of patience. NOTHING needs to be proven in the case. I am not a human rights violator. But you ought to give the stringent punishment to the people who are responsible, be it a politician or a rapist.
ACT ON……….
Inculcating education by giving basic requirements to people in slums, to people who feel things are right in their own way, to those who feel it’s their goddamn right to rape a woman. The time is not only for speaking about economic growth and development of our nation as a whole, but it is high time we address the problems at the grass-root level and to find a solution which is practical.
I believe in freedom of expression, in all possible ways. Whether it is the AIB Roast or the documentary on Nirbhaya. I am not favoring the ban too. But I question the intention of the film maker- Leslee Udwin. I do! She is a rape victim. Why didn’t she make a documentary on herself? Why pay 40k to a rapist in India for the same? Why not in Saudi Arabia or the place from where she came from? I agree, she has beautifully brought out what the rapist thought about while committing such a hideous crime. And oh yeah, in GRAPHIC DETAIL. But, didn’t we all know it already? Do we really want a Leslee Udwin to make us understand the mindset of many of our men in India? In the name of ‘editing’, don’t you think that the documentary is ‘jazzed’ up to meet the expectations of a Bollywood movie? Do you really believe the documentary is for social justice and changes the mindset of people in and around the world?
Act On…
Letting your Boy child from becoming a rapist! Of educating men to stop raping women. I am done with all the apps that help me get home safe, of all the self-defense classes and pepper spray. I’m done being addressed as a flower, a diamond.
On this great day, INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, let me request people to not only make life easy for women but to our generation and the next to come by, taking small but stern steps. I am proud of my traditions and values, let it be for every one.
Please.. Please ACT before WE point fingers at each other, before we expect the other person to act and do his part.
Dear all, the thoughts here are generic as I don’t intend to give a more graphical description to things that are around us including the crimes against women. Identify the causes and there lies the answer.
HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY. Happy and proud to be a Woman!
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You give an important message here Shalini…Yes, we are all done and now it’s time to act! Enough is enough I think!
High time there is some change!!! Thanks for stopping by, Naba! Off to reading yours…
Agree with your post, and especially that first point of Act On, Shalzz.
Thanks, Vinay. 🙂
Shalini, one can feel the angst when reading your write up. Hope the authorities put in atleast a time-frame on case closures with clauses to extend on rare cases.
Yes, that’s all I ask for. Why delay!!!!!
Happy women’s day! Hoping we get empowered in the days to come.
Yes, Vinodini!! Hope- the essence of life! 🙂
Yes we all agree that something needs to be done! But WHAT? Punishment never acts as a deterrent as has been proved time and again – our societies would have been crime free by now if they did. Man’s nature cannot be changed as neither economic factors, education or even social values prevent horrendous crimes like rape. So while I’m not advocating we sit back and accept things helplessly, I feel making enough noise, creating awareness and inculcating values like basic respect for all human life may just make a dent ….we can only hope that people realise the value of other human beings and treat them with love.
Thanks, Belly for stopping by. How much more awareness are we going to create? It’s not that men from slums or poverty-stricken areas are the only ones doing the crime. We have heard stories were the father rape his 5-yr old daughter, a brother or a family friend doing the same. And it happens everywhere. India is a country which sits back and give a max of 5years or 10 years of imprisonment to the culprits. We don’t advocate hanging them to death- just because we are a country of patience and culture as they call it. I pray for a time-bound and more stringent punishment! Though I know it’s not going to help either!!!
Dear Shalzzz
I Totally agree with you. Sadly some men have become monsters or rather some monsters are men in disguise…I pray everyday that all women are safe especially those I know who are working , living alone and even happily married that the men they are in contact with don’t turn into monsters. From one woman to another and as a mother of two working women I can only pray that you are all safe.
What an amazing write up… We really need to #makeithappen
Thank you, Shruti..
I hope everyone who reads this ACTS!! Act to make this place a little better in own personal way.. SO that the life of a woman is not a personal hell anymore!!
Agree, Nibha!!! It should happen at the grass-root level- from the depths of a man’s heart itself!
And it should happen really soon!
Here here Shalini! I love your ‘Act On” points and especially educating men to stop raping women. And yes, why do women need Apps for such things as to get home safely, and the like. Men need to act responsibly: it’s about time! <3
High time, Elly! High time! Sigh!
Wonderful and energetic message Shalini! Happy Women’s Day to you!
Thanks, Mam. Happy women’s day to you too 🙂
Your zeal for action shows in your post. Not all of us can pick up and act but raising awareness is also action.
Hoping everyone actually will Act on!
I agree with you Shalini 🙂 We all need to Act on! That’s the only way of bringing change we much desire!
International Women’s Day #MakeItHappen
Loved your post Shalini. 🙂 Well written. You make several good points. I am also at a loss to understand- why is the guy not hanged yet? What are they waiting for? This was also the case with Kasab. He committed a crime, they captured it on camera- case proved. Why the wait? Even more difficult to understand, are the motives of the human rights activists who champion the cause of rapists and terrorists. Also, yes Ms Udwin’s motives are suspect. However, I hope the criminals are bought to task soon, and the Indian judiciary works quickly.
This is exactly the same questions I ask. People of this country pay for this sicktard food and living a comfortable life in jail like Kasab. Agree to the points of Shanayatales. As far as the film maker is concerned, I have issues for much the same reasons you raised in this powerful post. Where is the law?