The 13th of September was Roald Dahl’s birthday and I decided to read Matilda. I was so impressed by the book that I now realize what a wasted childhood I had without having read the book. What I immediately did soon after I read Matilda was checking Netflix for its movie adaptation and to my surprise, it turned equally good. I think every child should read Matilda. Here are the reasons why I believe so.

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7 Reasons Why Matilda is my Favorite
The Strong, Inspiring Female Protagonist
Matilda Wormwood lives in a tiny cottage with her family. She is unheard, unseen and unloved by her parents and big brother. While her father sold patched-up cars for profit, her mother left her alone at home to play bingo. She walked alone to the library where she got lost in the world of books. Books are her best friend and even at the early age of two, she could easily speak fluently and by the age of four, she could read Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations.
She hoped that things would change when she started school but she had a beast for a Principal, Miss Trunchbull who took pleasure in bullying little kids. Her brutal punishments took away the joy of learning but with the help of her allies – her school friend Lavender and her teacher Miss Honey, she confronts her Principal and how!
Matilda, the Avid Reader
Matilda loved reading and she spends almost every waking hour with her nose in a book. Thanks to Mum, I’ve always loved reading since I was a child and I owe everything to her for inculcating this habit in me. I even snuck a library book under my desk during lessons. Nothing changed during University days as well. Today, I know I can’t sleep without reading at least a few pages a day.
Stand up for Yourself
Matilda teaches us that it isn’t okay to be bullied and manipulated. She is brave and stands up for herself against people who are way elder, larger and stronger than her, which includes her parents and Trunchbull. She helps Miss Honey find the courage to stand up to her evil aunt Miss Trunchbull and reclaim her home.
Goodbye Toxic people
Even at the young age of four, Matilda realizes that there is no place for toxic people in your life. It doesn’t matter what someone’s relationship is to you – parent, spouse, sibling, teacher – if someone abuses you mentally, physically or emotionally, chuck them out of your life. She teaches us that we can’t always trust people in authority to keep us safe.
Cheating is Wrong
Matilda’s father is a cheat who sells patched-up cars. He runs an illegal car dealership and the FBI are after him. Miss Trunchbull too, is an evil woman who kills her brother-in-law and cheats her niece out of her home. Mathilda values honestly over insensitivity and that’s an amazing quality about her.
There are lots of pranks played by Matilda because she believes that bad people should be punished. She uses her intelligence to survive the attacks on her but never once has she boasted about her cleverness.
She is as old as I am!
Matilda was released in 1988 and she is as old as I am! (You do the math!). That’s another reason why I absolutely love her!
Matilda isn’t just another book with clever female protagonist. Reading it as an adult, I realized that one can channel their rage thoughtfully and emotionally.
I’m going to read more Roald Dahl books and you can find them on my Bookstagram.
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Dahl’s Matilda is one of the novels I prescribed to my grade 11 students for a reading project. Glad to read your review.
I haven’t read Matilda, but after reading your review, I sure feel like reading the book! She sounds like a fiesty little girl!
Modern Gypsy recently posted…Intuitive painting process: Into the storm
I absolutely love Matilda. I mean she has been a part of my growing up journey too! And it’s strange that how you (and I) still find her too be a part of our lives even today! This is a very cute post! 🙂
I absolutely love Matilda. I mean she has been a part of my growing up journey too! And it’s strange that how you (and I) still find her too be a part of our lives even today! This is a very cute post! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Sushmita recently posted…Texas is Far More Interesting than I Thought!
I love Roald Dahl books too and growing up reading them has been a privilege. Thanks for sharing this. #MyFriendAlexa #CloudandSunshineReads
Reading her books because she is of the same age is something interesting 😀 When we see such successful people who are of the same age, it makes us feel we are not doing anything with our life, isn’t it?
Shamefully, I admit I have never read Matilda till date… I know I know. I need to correct that
Roshan recently posted…How 2 milliliters stops your suffering #WordlessWednesday
Matilda is one of my favourite books till date… Loved your post.. very well written. 🙂
Love that you are as old as Matlida. Amazing how you have dissected the character and put forth. Recently I wrote about Fantastic Mr.Fox by Roald Dahl. Do have a look at
Roald Dahl was one of my favourite authors as a child. I’ve made sure to introduce his books to my grandson as I did for my kids. Love your reasons for Matilda!
Matilda is my and my son’s favorite! we have seen the movie and thoroughly enjoyed the movie as well.
I love to read Dahl’s books with my daughter. We have not read this book, though I have seen the movie. This is going to be next on our reading list very soon. #MyFriendAlexa #ShubhraReads
No wonder Roald Dahl ‘s books earn rave recommendations and love. I haven’t read Matilda but now going to read this one for sure.
Pragnya Mishra recently posted…City of Nine Gates by Pankaj Rajput: Book Review
I haven’t read this book but it sounds like a great read, I am gonna pick it up soon.
I absolutely love Matilda and Roald Dahl. I grew up reading his books. He is one of the authors who made me fall in love with reading.
Shreeya Sharma recently posted…Agatha Christie Birthday Special – The Ultimate Reading List
I love Matilda too! Mostly she was one of my childhood book friends- you know what I mean, right?!
I must say he’s a very inspirational writer and his books are super interesting and worth reading
I have read couple of his books and truly he is master of words. His books takes you in wild chase with imagination. Thanks for the idea, I am getting Matilda for daughter who just finished reading Dr. Seuss.
Omg .. I don’t know how I missed this beautiful book, o have heard so much about it but have never got it.. thanks to your reasons I am going to order it right now…
Matilda is one of my favorite books and characters in literature. I agree with all your listed points, Shalini!
Tina Sequeira recently posted…Here are my top favorite songs of the iconic Madonna #MyFriendAlexa
I absolutely love this movie. Haven’t read the book, but I’ve seen the movie a good 4-5 times and never got tired of it. She is really an inspiration
I loved reading this book as a child. Can’t wait my kids to now read this, as they grow up.
I love Matilda and your seven reasons are mine too!Reader Matilda is so inspiring.Say no to bad people.
Recently we watched the movie after my daughter completed reading the book. Yes there are many lessons to be learnt from the story and your post is so well crafted.
loved the article plus in love with the book. Great read
Great read and loved reading your post. Matilda is also one of our favourites
Neha Gupta recently posted…Best Blogging Resources and tools I use and recommend- Most of them are Free
Matilda is my favourite too. I made my daughter watch the movie. Will give her the novel next month. She is reading Rucking bond right now.
Surbhi #surreads