The Elephant’s Journey is Solomon, the elephant’s story. The Portuguese King Joao III gifts Solomon to the Archduke Maximillian. This means the poor animal has to travel by foot from Lisbon to Vienna, crossing the Alps – the only option transporting a large animal, back in those days. Solomon sets out on his journey with his mahout Subhro. What happens on the journey and after they reach Vienna?

The Elephant’s Journey by Jose Saramago was a gift from a friend, about six years ago. I couldn’t get past the first page because there was no punctuation or quotation marks and the sentences went on and on. I had to try really hard to understand the conversation and finally gave up. A few days ago though, I decided to take it up, mostly because I remembered the friend and what he said when he gifted the book
This time around, I gave it my all, in spite of the hectic A to Z Challenge and moving homes, I managed to finish this incredible book. Once I got used to his unique writing style where paragraphs lasted for a few pages, I started enjoying the book.
Subro the Mahaut and Solomon the Elephant embark on the journey with Portuguese soldiers and then continue on the long road with the Archduke and his soldiers who are returning to Vienna themselves after a three-year sojourn in Spain. Subro is baffled by the reaction of people he meets on the way – the various interpretations of the sudden appearance of an elephant in their lives. Of course, not many has seen an elephant back in those days. I do not want to divulge more for you gotta read this book.
A short read of about two-hundred-odd pages, Jose Saramago’s writing style is fun and quirky. The translator (from Portuguese to English) has done a great job for his unique style and sense of observation is beautifully captured. The protagonist of the story is an outsider and speaks to the reader directly with anachronisms. But then there were times when I wondered if he also went on that journey with the elephant.
A touching story of friendship and adventure, The Elephant’s Journey also depicts in detail the human nature. Poignant and satirical, it is a delightful read and I’d definitely recommend this book!

That’s all for now!
Let me know your favorite Translated works?
I hope you’ll drop by tomorrow too.

My theme for the A to Z Challenge this year is ‘Celebrating the Bibliophile in me’, where I would share the books, authors and fictional characters that I love, loathe and tolerate.
Ah, there could be more!
You can follow me on my Bookstagram at Muffytales.

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It sounds like a good story, but I don’t think I could get away with the writing style – the editor in me would be screaming haha
Random Musings recently posted…A-Z Challenge – I is for Imagination
The Elephant’s Journey sounds like a new kind of book. I think I would like it since it looks like it deals with an elephant’s feelings and probably describes its emotions. Of course, I am a bit apprehensive about the writing style if paragraphs continue for pages and the punctuation is different. But still I think I will give it a try.
A book without enough puncttuation and long paragraphs. Not sure i’ll be able to read it. However the story does sound interesting, and the cover looks lovely too.
Sounds like a new kind of book. Would love to have it and read it once.
Interesting premise – might give it a read though the lack of punctuation deters me!!
I am loving your Pinterest graphics Shalzz – I am going to copy them for my book posts; sigh first will need to get creative with taking the pics. Ramya is the other one who does incredible ones for her book reviews!!!
I have so much to learn……………….. 🙂
A book with paragraphs that run in pages and sentences without any punctuation! I can imagine why you put away the book, initially. And, after reading about the story, I can also imagine why you couldn’t stop this time! 🙂
This one sounds like such a cute and humane story. Adding it to my TBR for now.
That sounds like an interesting story! Adding it to my TBR.
Reema D’souza recently posted…Joie de vivre #AtoZchallenge #NaPoWriMo
The best part about reading so many books is one never runs out of topics to write in a challenge. Nice detailed review. Always a fan of your reviews.
#ContemplationOfaJoker #JOkerophilia
Another interesting review. adding it to my TBR
Sounds like an interesting book, using an interesting writing style. I will have to look this up further.
Josefine recently posted…K – Knowledge