Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is a known name in Indian Literature, especially for her take on Indian epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana. Her re-tellings often have a strong female protagonist and profound elements of honor and duty. That is exactly what draws you to her books and makes you fall in love with her writing.

The Mistress of Spices
The very first book I read of Chitra Banerjee was ‘The Mistress of Spices’. This was one of the few books which I had read after watching the (Aishwarya Rai starrer) movie.
The Mistress of Spices is the story of a young woman named Tilo who uses her knowledge of spices as
The Palace of Illusions
Years later, I heard rave reviews of her book- ‘The Palace of Illusions.’ Being a lover of Indian mythology, I picked it up. It was the retelling of Mahabharata through the eyes of Panchali – the wife of Pandavas. That storyline alone piqued my interest.
“Love comes like lightning, and disappears the same way. If you are lucky, it strikes you right. If not, you’ll spend your life yearning for a man you can’t have.”
We know how the fire-born princess, the spirited young woman Princess Draupadi became the wife of five Pandavas. She was one of the few female characters who stood out in the epic – a woman who was the cause of the war, who had it all, yet had nothing.
“I am buoyant and expansive and uncontainable–but I always was so, only I never knew it!”
From being portrayed as a victim on almost all Mahabharata stories(and re-tellings), The Palace of Illusions was a refreshing take on the epic with emphasis on Panchali’s deepest thoughts and emotions – her relationship with her husbands, her mother-in-law and her infatuation with Karna who is hated by her husbands.
The narration steals the show and when I say it is one of my favorite books, you know how much I love it. I loved Draupadi’s relationship with Krishna and the love angle introduced between her and Karna.
“There was
The Palace of Illusions was published in 2009 and the gorgeous
The Forest of Enchantments
After about a decade long wait, Chitra Banerjee published her most-anticipated book, ‘The Forest of Enchantments’ which is a rendition of the Indian Epic Ramayana. Of course, the story of Sita isn’t new – a newborn found by the King of Mithila; married off to Ram; who had to tag along with her husband upon his exile of fourteen years; captured by the Asura King Ravan in the last leg of their banishment. She is rescued by Ram only to be banished again, this time by Ram himself to uphold his duty.
“How entangled love is with expectation, that poison vine! The stronger the expectation, the more the anger towards the beloved if he doesn’t fulfill it – and the less the control over ourselves.”
This timeless tale was retold through Sita’s eyes and is referred to as Sitaayan. Her courage, bravery, loyalty and unwavering love for Ram is seen throughout the book. She stood up for herself and the ideologies she believed in.
“And that is why, O King Ram, I must reject your kind offer to allow me to prove my innocence again. Because this is one of those times when a woman must stand up and say, No more!”
Having read The Palace of Illusions, it is hard not to draw parallels. While the narration is bang on, I have read a better retelling of this epic. I felt that Sita lacked fieriness. I also wanted to read in detail, Sita’s relation with the other characters – Kausalya, Kaikeyi, Laxman, and Hanuman.
‘I forgave you a long time ago,’ I say to
That said, you should definitely give it a read for its empowering prose and feminist take on mythology.
Chitra Banerjee’s writing style is a class apart. Her portrayal of human relationships and emotions are noteworthy. Her books are often centered around self-discovery I’m yet to read her other works and I am hoping to pick up Oleander Girl soon.
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That’s all for now!
Have you read any of her books? If so, which is your favorite and why? Let me know.
I hope you’ll drop by tomorrow too.

My theme for the A to Z Challenge this year is ‘Celebrating the Bibliophile in me’, where I would share the books, authors and fictional characters that I love, loathe and tolerate.
Ah, there could be more!
You can follow me on my Bookstagram at Muffytales.

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P. S: Do you want to treat yourself with a multitude of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes from the Spice Capital of the World? Check out my food blog for some tantalizing recipes from Kerala.
I have watched Mistress of Spices and the book is in my tbr list. Rest of the listed ones also look very interesting, will definitely check out.
I haven’t read any of Chitra Bannerjee’s books. I am not such a great fan of Historical fiction. I tried a few but they failed to interest me. But from your reviews I feel I definitely ought to try reading Chitra’s books. I will surely do that soon.
Aptly explained. Think of reading one.
Hey, Shalini
Brilliant theme for the challenge. Being a bookworm, I surely going to follow you. Have read one of Chitra’s book, really good. Will surely go for others.
Gud luck
I am a big fan of CBD’s writing and this is my favorite book! Thanks for sharing these beautiful quotes!
You way of writing is very inspiring, one feels like just grabing the books and start reading them.Palace of Illusion is in my list of reading.
I loved Palace of illusions! I recommended it to one and all! 😛
Now, I have to read the Forest of Enchantments….ASAP!
Thanks for this post, Shalini!
The palace of illusions has been lying on my shelves for a long time now. After reading this post, I think I will expedite its movement towards my hands for a read. Amazing description you have given for both the books.
I love lovee loveeeee Chitra Banerjee! Her writing style is simply impeccable and I loved her portrayal of both Draupadi and Sita in these books. She does complete justice to her characters and keeps its so natural and understated!
Soumya recently posted…C – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie #AToZChallenge
I think I read one of her books. I shall have a relook now that I have read your review.
I haven’t read any of her books so far, but your post now makes me want to do so. I like authors who can portray the depth in relationships and human psychology.
Kaddu recently posted…How to Create Amazing Content to Grow Your Business? The Simplest 5-Key Content Creation Strategy ~ #WorkspaceWednesday #AtoZChallenge
Loved reading this. My tbr is growing!
Surprisingly I haven’t read any of her books though I have heard so much about the books.
Reema D’souza recently posted…Cordolium #AtoZChallenge #NaPoWriMo #WednesdayVerses
What a lovely detailed blog post on all of Chitra Banerjee’s books. She does have an interesting take on women and their lives.
Chitra Banarjee is one of my favorite authors. Loved reading your take on her books
Woww loved the post. I am starting with the forest of enchantments soon. I loved the palace of illusions
I actually liked “Mistress of Spices” when I read it many years ago. I’ve been meaning to read “Palace of Illusions’ and ‘The Forest of Enchantment’ for a while. Will go with the former on your recommendation.
some book revives can make you think about it, but yours made me dig deeper about those books. love the way you explain the story in brief. will surely check your next post.
pinakin joshi recently posted…Chief of Cyber #AtoZChallenge
I’ll have to keep an eye out for her books – I love retellings of myths and legends etc.
I have read Palace of Illusions and Mistress of the Spices so far and I am in love with her language and narrative style completely. I hope to be able to pick up Forest of Enchantments soon as I am eager to see if her take on Sita is as well done as her take on Draupadi.
I got to interview her in person earlier this year at JLF, in case you are interested – take a look at it here:
Loved reading your detailed post. another addition in my tbr list.
I loved reading the Palace of Illusions. I also re-read it as I loved it a lot. Now reading the Sita story.