I am turning 30 in a few months. I had a secret bucket list to tick off before turning 30 but what I never thought I would do was to write a ’30 before 30′ post.
Age should not be a factor for achieving your dreams or making huge decisions. And if your dreams didn’t quite turn out as planned, it’s okay! You’ll not be all grown-up when you turn 30, believe me! You can still be adventurous, do crazy stuff and chase your dreams.
We make mistakes. A lot. Especially in our 20s. They aren’t bad at all. I’ve made my share of mistakes and have quite a few deep dark secrets. While I may not be proud of them, I do believe they have helped me grow in many ways.
Enjoy yourself; that’s what your 20s are for. Your 30s are to learn the lessons. Your 40s are to pay for the drinks.
– Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City)
So here it is!
30 Mistakes to make before turning 30!
1. Create an account on all social media platforms
2. Take that horrible job!
3. Follow someone else’s dream
4. Chop off your long tresses
5. To not chop off your long tresses
6. Have the hots for that good-looking guy/girl
7. Fall for the wrong guy/girl
8. Get your heart broken
9. Get your heart broken. Again.
10. Break someone’s heart
11. Trust the wrong people
12. Hate someone with all your might
13. Live with a bad roomie
14. Go size zero
15. Plump it up!
16. Wear terrible clothes
17. Wear designer labels
18. Not traveling (to another country)
19. Not traveling solo
20. Not going for a guys’/girls’ trip
21. Not doing something that scares you- bungee jumping/skydiving/scuba diving
22. Not learning how to cook
23. Eat crap
24. Eat expensive food at a world-class restaurant
25. Not going on a fad diet
26. Not getting drunk
27. Not dancing funny
28. (Not?) Getting a tattoo
29. Do things you aren’t supposed to do in public! ( 😉 )
30. Not taking care of yourself
So, here’s what you should ideally do. Believe in yourself. Do not have a care in the world. Live your life. Do the things you love. Party hard. Be reckless. Be self-destructive. And make memories along the way.
I am writing for the Write Tribe ProBlogger Challenge. The prompt for today is Put your iPod on shuffle/turn on the radio to your fav station. Write a post using the song as your prompt. I’m also linking to #FridayReflections hosted by Sanch Vee and Everyday Gyaan
I was amused by the choreography and instantly hooked to the song ‘Galti Se Mistake‘ when I heard it for the first time. While the song was about the little mistakes that a schoolgoing kid (really?) would do, I found the song funny. And today when my playlist threw this song at me I knew what I should be writing on!
Good one, Shalini. I haven’t heard that song yet, so will do that. Nice take on the prompt.
Enjoy your 30’s, Shalini! Your post made me feel so old…I am nearing 40’s and have to do so much more.
I will be 30 in another 2 years but i guess striked of most of the things mentioned here already 😛
Advance happy b’day and enjoy ur 30’s 🙂
Wow I was in turning 30′ a few years back and in a few years the big 40!
Happy bday and hope you do all the galtis 😉 by mistake!
haha, you are still young and wanna do the same old mistakes even in my 40s for what matters is to trip and learn or be hungry, be foolish. I have done the heart being broken into tiny shreads or the wrong roomies. There is so much fun as you look back. Make the most and don’t hesitate to do so even in your 30s.
Hearing the song for the first time. Interesting. And loved all the points. Very true.
Would you believe if I said I have committed almost..well almost, all the mistakes before I turned 30…Shaalu!
And you know what,, still committing a few! But that’s OK..To err is Human , no :p
Good list, there 😉
What mistakes will you make by the time you are 50 and 60? 😉
Half the fun in life is by mistake.
It’s nice to make some of these mistakes. Might be what turns our journey an unexpected but fruitful direction. 🙂
Good one on the prompt Shalzzz; cant say I have heard this song but your list made me laugh out loud!!! 🙂
I’ve made many of these mistakes before 30 and for that matter after 30 too! Some I regret, some I used as stepping stones to move forward, some I would do all over again.
Oh, that was such a fun post, Shalini!
Yeah, we all make mistakes – tons of them – and not just in our 30s but also in our 40s.I know…I have made quite a few! But, that’s how we make memories that we can laugh about later, and also give some gyaan about to those who are on their way to join our club! 😛
Haha! Guilty of few of the above mistakes. But that’s the fun of growing up, right? 🙂
I think i still have a few years to check all the items but Do I really want to that’s a different story!
I did a lot of them .. specially 4 and 5 😛
and I am pretty sure I would do quite a few in the coming years too 😛
Love this list 😀
Aah! What a list! And can you believe that I am guilty of almost all mentioned in this post!!
BTW, we should all mistakes because it these mistakes that turn us into something better than what we were before!!
Ha ha! What a fun list. Looks like I also have to say the same things at 35. 😀
That was a long list. To tell you something, I have committed many mistakes in my 20s and continued to do so in my early 30s. I am sure I am making mistakes now too which I will realise in my 40s 😀
Looks like I made all the right mistakes as per your list! Trust me, the list only keeps getting longer with age. 😉
Just the right post I needed to read today! I too will turn 30 next year and this post sounds like a relief! Don’t know about ticking off the bucket list, but I sure have ticked off all the mistakes mentioned above 😛 ;). Should I be feeling proud of it now? 😐
Loved the uniqueness of this post, S!