What do you do when the world rejects women like you?
Oh, what this world does to women like you!
Women with boisterous bodies and louder souls;
Women with soft bellies spilling over gorgeous rolls;
Women who ooze intelligence;
Women who don’t define their worth on others’ baseless opinions;
Women, you beautiful unashamed women!
Women who get naked;
Women who refuse to be slut shamed;
Women who own their sexuality;
Women who are tough, strong, and mighty;
Women, you uppity, nasty women!
Women who go high, when they go low;
Women who scream No! from the pits of their souls;
Women who never fit the status quo;
Women who speak their minds and crush petty pretentious egos;
Women, you powerful, powerful women!
Women who take their rightful place at the table;
Women who are unapologetic and dare to dream;
Women who strive to be free, to be heard, to never settle;
Women who take a stand for other women;
Women, you bold, brave women.
It’s a shame what this world tries to do to women like you.
But let your unique self shine on, you queens! Shine on!
This blog post is part of the Women’s Day Blog Hop, themed on She: A Tribute to Her, hosted by Swarnali Nath
The poem is very relevant to every woman from every sphere of life. You have written with so much strength and power that they make the words resonating with our voice. I wish the poem could have been a bit longer with some more lines. Thanks for joining the blog hop, means a lot. Much gratitude. 🤗
Every woman should cherish her uniqueness . Thats how she will make herself proud. She is a beautiful soul from within, she is the beautiful creation of God. And she has to celebrate herself bring on this earth.
Women must celebrate themselves, be proud of themselves, and live the life they have envisioned for themselves. Let the world think what it wants to.
Shilpa Gupte recently posted…What’s your blogging story?
You nailed it, my girl! This society is never satisfied. They want to come up and fight against all odds but when they do they want to challenge her equality.
This world will never change and so do we. 😂
Thank you for the encouragement. A lot of women need this in their lives. But encouraging them is all we can do. Hope they take that brave step to better their lives.
There is a certain lyrical quality to this piece which I absolutely loved, Shalini.
Thanks for appreciating the women who do all this and for reminding the others to take up the unbeaten path too.
A great piece.
Manali Desai recently posted…She Rose
Love the way you call women as queens. The candid lines of slut shaming and walking naked are bold and should be used more. These days, women are daring to dream and making them come true. You have so well written, strong woman who helps other women.
Such a power packed poem and you have expressed many things that woman goes through in their life due to various situation. I love the lines “Women who take their rightful place at the table;
Women who are unapologetic and dare to dream;” Indeed, one of the best post in bloghop.
Yes, totally agree, Shalz.
Nice words. Wishing all this and more.
No matter what this world tries to do
to women like you,
Keep shining bright & be true.
Let the powerful and brave women rise & shine too!
Let’s then see what the world will do!
Dr. Anita Sabat recently posted…SHE – Women Characters in Hindi Cinema
Such a brilliant poem Shalini! You have brought every nuance, every detail about women and made it a celebration. Brilliant!
Loved the poem, Shalini. The world has a hard time accepting women who don’t fit into specific moulds. While it is a bit difficult to ignore the barbs, we women need to celebrate our individuality and shine on.
Ritu Bindra recently posted…Not Quite a Disaster After All by Buku Sarkar Book Review
Lovely poem. Many women need this kind of encouragement. Great and powerful words.
That’s an eloquent poem that tells us all to shine on and be the queens. Shine and let others to shine on. Best wishes to all the unbeatable and strong willed women.
Such a lyrical poem like an anthem you can march to. To be a women who is strong needs courage and how eloquently your poem celebrates those women . Loved reading it and it is still echoing in my mind the rythme and the beat of it
This poem has such a nice ring, a lovely read. I feel like this could be a song :). Cheers to all the different kinds of glorious women out there!
Simple and yet so inspiring. More women need to read this and stop worrying about how society will judge them.
A brilliant Poem on women hood and celebrating our feminist approach. You’ve encapsulated the plethora of characteristics and talents we women possess and how we multitask our way to glory!
Daisy recently posted…She’s beautiful, fierce and free, just like a wildflower!
It is impossible to tame beautiful, unashamed, nasty, uppity, powerful, brave and bold women and the sooner the world understands that, the better it is. Let us celebrate what makes us special, why do we even bother what the world thinks!
Women who never fit the status quo;
Women who speak their minds and crush petty pretentious egos;
Women, you powerful, powerful women!
The above lines are so powerful and the poem is like a wake up call for any woman not appreciating herself. The grace in the poem which reflects such power just stole my heart! Loved it.
Very strong words to wake us women from slumber and march ahead. Sometimes or rather most of the times, we don’t realise our worth and give up. Loved your choice of words…they knock you off!!
Brilliant tribute to the women. As you said we all are subjected to judgement at one point or the other. How we raise ourselves above all that is up to us. You nailed it.
amazing empowering poetry. The society we live in is far from ideal but it’s incredible to see women fight and emerge victorious. All power to you. Thanks for sharing these inspiring words.
Your words are soaring high Shalini, clearly, one of the best pieces I have read in this blog hop. We women are unstoppable.
Archana recently posted…Happy Women’s Day: A LETTER To SHE: #womensdaybloghop2023
A lyrical empowering tale. Brilliant. As I read recently somebody said women are best accountant because they are always giving accounts for whatever they do. The judgement part is so true.
Oh, Shalini, I just loved it. This a simple and earnest post celebrating womanhood. It’s very easy to snub what’s different, but very few has the courage to own up the uniqueness. LOVE IT.
Love the unapologetic and free-spirited tone of this poem. It’s easier said than done in a misogynistic world. But if we can truly be who we are, that’s freedom.
The world is still stuck with logg kya kahenge! But this poem should be an answer to those 4 logg who became a decision maker in our life! What a beautiful write-up loved it!
Such a power-packed poem Shalini; I loved how you played with the words. And yes, we can’t satisfy society at any given point in time, so its better that we accept ourselves and celebrate ourselves.
Cheers to you! You said it and dropped the mike. Nothing more to add here.
Just saying that I love your poem – so full of courage and depth.
Women who refuse to live life simply on others approval and like-ability factors.
Women who live true to themselves. Not selfish by any means- just being human.
Sakshi recently posted…What’s Peru got to do with Ghost Pepper aka bhut jolokia mirchi?
Wow, what a strong and powerful poem on women! Reading this piece has really given me a positive energy for the day. The poem strongly has reflected how strong we women are and how much power we have to steer the world ahead. Loved every word of it!