When my husband suggested that we take a vacation to Thailand, I was aghast with terror and amazement at the same time. I tried to fight my way through, listed hundreds of reasons to plan elsewhere – because for me, Thailand was a destination for bachelors. It is hyped up for its infamous nightlife, go go bars and sex tourism, and I was no different in thinking so. Yes, I have heard of Phuket and Krabi as well, but nothing had prepared me for what I was about to experience here. Clearly, I didn’t know what to expect in Thailand.
Planning a vacation to Thailand? The first few questions that pops up in your mind would be, is it safe? Where should we head to for our honeymoon? Will my kids enjoy the vacation as well? Will it be a great vacation for my parents? Is vegetarian food available in Thailand? What about Indian restaurants? Honestly, I never knew that I would be nodding along and that the answer would be an Yes to all these questions.
Thailand has a lot to offer irrespective of age. Though we had vacayed for a fortnight here, I still wouldn’t say that I am a pro when planning a trip to this spectacular country. We have seen only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what this Thailand has to offer. Rightly so, when you meet a young couple who is on a honeymoon, or just want to explore the place, a family of four with adorable kids, a family with aged parents or an old couple themselves, you realize that there is something for everyone here.
The priorities and expectations change with time and age. After writing about Thailand, this entire month, I thought I should be dedicating a post to what Thailand has to offer with respect to different age groups. I haven’t been to the Northern parts of Thailand, including Ayuttaya, Chang Mai and Chang Rai. So, I know I am missing out on a lot of things. May be the next time? And then I will come back and update this post?
What to Expect in Thailand
Bangkok: What to Expect
Pattaya: What to Expect
Krabi: What to Expect
Phuket: What to Expect
There are many adventure sports you can indulge in while in Pattaya and the islands. These include snorkeling, scuba diving, deep sea walking, paragliding, parasailing, rock climbing.
Vegetarian food is available in restaurants. I will not lie when I say, it is going to be a tad bit difficult to get proper vegetarian food as they mostly consider egg also as vegetarian. Indian restaurants are present in every nook and corner of Bangkok and Pattaya. I couldn’t find any in the islands. You’ll get to see many popular joints like McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks as well.
Thailand is tourist-friendly. It is safe to travel and stay in this country. But always be vigilant and trust your instincts. You are after all, in a foreign country.
Scams? Oh yes! A detailed post is coming up soon!
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Pinned it. A very well written and researched post.
Roshan Radhakrishnan recently posted…White House of Anaheim: A Tale of Kindness Returned #AtoZChallenge
Thailand like every place in the world has something for everyone. It has always been a great tourist destination and thanks for your lovely tips . we had visited this place as a young couple and will now visit it as grandparents!
Bellybytes recently posted…The X Factor #AtoZChallenge 2017
Superb tales of travel. Indeed, variety is the spice of life with travel doing wonders to one’s soul.
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I’ve only been to Bangkok but Phuket and Krabi look pretty.
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