Title: Love Lasts Forever.. only if you don’t marry your love
Author: Vikrant Khanna
Publisher: Shrishti Publishers & Distributors
ISBN: 9789382665175
Number of Pages: 248
Price [INR] : 150
Genre: Fiction
The Blurb:
So you think your love can last forever…?
Get married!
Eighteen-year-old Ronit falls madly in love with Aisha the moment he meets her at his graduation day from a naval college. He believes he has found his perfect soul mate, and come what may, his love for her will last forever. Seven years later, he gets married to her. Big mistake! A week later, he completely hates her and believes she has turned into a devil.
But his perception about love and life change when he hears the poignant love story of Shekhar, his Captain, on a ship that later gets hijacked by the pirates of Somalia. As they are left fighting for their lives; they confront if love truly can last forever…? Or does it get too late?
About the Author:
A sailor by profession and a writer by passion, Vikrant has penned two novels before this. He lives in Delhi with his family.
Love lasts forever is a love story of Ronit, a Merchant Navy Officer and Aisha. They meet at the graduation ceremony at Ronit’s Naval college and the eighteen year old falls in love. After seven years of being in love, they get married. But they fall out of love in just seven days of marriage. He feels a complete change in his lady love- as if she has developed horns and turned into a devil.
Ronit leaves in a ship for work and to escape from his wife. Unfortunately their ship is hijacked by pirates and they are under the hostility of pirates for eleven months. As he begins to think of filing a divorce with Aisha if he gets back home, he listens to Shekhar’s – the Captain of the Ship’s eternal love story. Is it going to make a difference to Ronit who has already lost hope and belief in love?
It’s been some time since I have read a book with male protagonist and I loved how the story flowed. I didn’t like Ronit at the first place, may be because his thoughts about women were clichéd. He believes that it’s his wife’s fault that their relationship has gone to a downfall after the wedding. He feels why she couldn’t “adjust” to the tantrums thrown by her SIL/MIL? He couldn’t even think that the poor girl has left her home and needs time adapting. He feels as if she was after his money and wanted a perfect honeymoon in an expensive, exotic location and that all she wanted to do was shopping with all his hard-earned money. I concluded that the writer was just another chauvinist who vented his feelings through his writing. I was mistaken at the end, though. And I soon realized that most of the men who I know, are like him and after all, it is Ronit’s story and his perspective.
I loved the captain’s story, it is intriguing and makes you feel warm and mushy. Joe Singh- Ronit’s coursemate, his best buddy- is another main character to look forward to in the book .
Easily paced, you can read it in a few hours. There is humour, love and laughter. The author clearly puts forth the message that when ego prevails, love is lost. The language is simple and lucid making it an interesting read.
The cover page is attractive as well.
These few quotes from the book made me smile.
” It’s not too hard to keep a woman happy. All they want is your love, care, support, and apparently a good ear”.
“I rose and reached out for her hands. We’d never walk without that; our fingers are always intertwined in each others. I thought our hands were made for each other too. In the many years I’d known her, I must say that I have literally felt her hands grow in size”.
“How can someone be so much in love that everything in his life revolves around that person he loves? And why do these feelings never cease, instead flourish with each passing day?”
Thanks to Blogadda and Vikrant Khanna for giving an opportunity to review the book.
I give 4 stars out of 5
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The quotes are so meaningful as if some very sane person has written them…Nice review…Thanks for sharing
Random Thoughts Naba..#MicroblogMondays : On Last Name & Books Read…
I loved the quotes. They are indeed beautiful and touching.
Good mam…you read at a very fast pace…awesome…n yeah i do agree…’When ego prevails…Love is lost”… 🙂
Sounds like a story that will warm the heart. I love stories like that! ♥